The Technical and Scientific Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga has the purpose of creating bridges of dialogue and cooperation with professionals working in the Ayurveda and Yoga area, especially in the clinical practice, education and investigation, in Portugal or in Portuguese speaking countries.


This is an idea that emerged in 2017, with the implementation of the Protocol with Escola Agrária de Santarém. In 2020, the AMAYUR Research and Development Center decided to give wings to this idea and turn it into reality.

This project has the collaboration of AMAYUR Professionals and Training Partners, as well as national and international personalities who contribute to the scientific development of Ayurvedic Medicine and Yoga in the world.


This project is only possible with the impulse and teachings of Great Masters of this Science as Dr. José Ruguê Ribeiro Junior, Dr. Subash Ranade, Dr.ª Sunanda Ranade, Dr. Avinash Lele and Dr.ª Bharathi Lele.

Special thanks to all Ayurvedic Professionals that were Pioneers in Portugal and have helped Ayurvedic Medicine develop and get known everyday more.

Many thanks to AMAYUR Ayurvedic Professionals:

Ana Cadima, Joaquim Jorge, Shaik Latheef, Anabela Duarte, Benilde Santos, Vitor Varão, Marie Seltzer, and Lara Lima.


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